West Virginia University

BIO cohort photo 2024

Biotechnology Researchers Immerse in Customer Discovery at BIO

Biotechnology Researchers Immerse in Customer Discovery at BIO 1000 562 I-Corps Hub: Interior Northeast

For the third year, the Interior Northeast I-Corps Hub (IN I-Corps) led a hybrid I-Corps regional course that included a funded customer discovery trip to the BIO International Convention, the world’s largest biotech industry event. 

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ARPA-E Summit 2024.

IN I-Corps Course Brings Clean Energy Researchers to ARPA-E Summit 2024 

IN I-Corps Course Brings Clean Energy Researchers to ARPA-E Summit 2024  500 333 I-Corps Hub: Interior Northeast

In May, researchers developing innovative clean-technology solutions conducted customer discovery interviews at the 2024 ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit in Dallas, Texas, as members of a ‘hybrid’ National Science Foundation (NSF) I-Corps regional course hosted by the Interior Northeast I-Corps Hub.

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Sostos Hits Milestones for Cancer Treatment AI Technology

Sostos Hits Milestones for Cancer Treatment AI Technology 2560 1440 I-Corps Hub: Interior Northeast

Sostos, an I-Corps alumni startup developing a cutting-edge AI technology for cancer treatment optimization, recently secured two SBIR Phase I grants — a $275K award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and a $400K award from the National Cancer Institute (NCI).

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Arial shot of facility

Morgantown Clean Tech Startup Raises $5 Million, Creates 13 Local Jobs

Morgantown Clean Tech Startup Raises $5 Million, Creates 13 Local Jobs 2560 1705 I-Corps Hub: Interior Northeast

Iconic Air is a Morgantown, WV based startup offering an emission mapping and analytics platform designed to help carbon consuming companies across the United States identify and address leaks.

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Photo: ARPA-E Regional Course cohort

Energy Researchers Perform Customer Discovery at ARPA-E Summit

Energy Researchers Perform Customer Discovery at ARPA-E Summit 2560 1920 I-Corps Hub: Interior Northeast

The Interior Northeast I-Corps Hub (IN I-Corps) led a specialized regional course for energy researchers in March 2023 that involved tailored virtual entrepreneurship training, followed by sponsored travel to Washington, D.C. for the ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit.  

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A smokestack billows smoke against a blue sky.

With $5M Raise, Iconic Air Launches Carbon Accounting Platform

With $5M Raise, Iconic Air Launches Carbon Accounting Platform 1000 650 I-Corps Hub: Interior Northeast

Iconic Air recently raised $5 million in seed funding and launched its carbon accounting platform, which offers a suite of tools to help companies manage their carbon footprint and achieve net zero emissions.

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Two people meet and discuss customer discovery

NSF Awards Cornell University $15 Million to Lead I-Corps: Interior Northeast Region Hub 

NSF Awards Cornell University $15 Million to Lead I-Corps: Interior Northeast Region Hub  2560 1707 I-Corps Hub: Interior Northeast

The National Science Foundation has awarded Cornell University a $15 million, five-year grant to lead the newest Innovation Corps Hub, I-Corps: Interior Northeast Region.

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